Early Skin Cancer Detention - Signs to look out for and Sun Safety...

Ignorance around the early signs and symptomsof skin cancer and melanoma is widespread. With over 86% of all cases of melanoma preventable and early detection vital for survival, educational intervention is key to reversing the soaring ratesof skin cancer in the UK, saving many lives in the process. This is why, as a salon, we have decided to study an online accreditation programme. Because of the treatments we carry out, we are in a unique position to become powerful advocates in the fight against the UK’s most common cancer.

Here are a few key guidelines that we can all be aware of, courtesy of MASCED.UK.

Look for these signs in any moles you have:

A – Asymmetry: when one half of a mole does not match or look like the other half of the mole.
B – Border: when the borders of the mole are uneven, irregular, ragged or have blurred, undefined edges.
C – Colour: when the colour changes or varies
throughout the mole; reddish blue or black are a particularly bad sign.
D – Diameter: when the diameter of the mole is greater than 6mm.
E – evolving: changes in a new or existing spot or mole over variable time is the biggest indicator of melanoma.

Using a sunbed just once a month can increasea person’s risk of developing skin cancer by more than 50% and regular sunbed use under the ageof 35 increases a person’s risk by an alarming 87%.

Over exposure to UV is a serious health risk. For sun safety follow the five S’s of sun safety.

SLIP on a t-shirt
SLOP on a quality sunscreen of spf 30+
SLAP on a hat
SLIDE on sunglasses
SHADE: seek shade whenever possible

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