Watch out for your triggers (Migraine)

 Migraine is a common neurological disorder, which can be disabling and distressing. It s usually a one-sided pulsating headache, it is very often related with vomiting and nausea this also including increased sensitivity to sounds, light and occasionally strong smells. Migraines can often occur on a range of mild to very severe headaches, lasting usually from a few hours to several days. They are mainly diagnosed by  characteristic pattern, individual history or even family history of migraines. Women are more prone than men affecting at least 1 in 10 women overall. Though, the frequency and severity decreases with age.

Migraines are also accompanied by other symptoms including sensitivity to light and sound as well as nausea therefore, I understand how debilitating the condition is. Though, each individual experiences
of migraines attacks are different, from the symptoms to the frequency as well as the severity of the attacks, which could have an impact on daily living.

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 Doctors believe finding out what triggers your migraines is not always easy. Some common major triggers include but are not limited to coffee, chocolate, computer, phone screens, stress, and particularly period pains.

It is important to take time and find out what triggers your migraines. Possible triggers includes. 

  • Alcohol
  • Flickering lights from a Tv, phones and computer screens 
  • Heat, light from glare or sunlight and noise 
  • Chemicals such as petrol and bleach
  • Cheese, coffee, chocolate and nuts
  • Hunger
  • Hormonal changes - Periods, hormone, pills and menopause
  • Exercise
  • Stress 
  • Fatigue

Migraines attack stages 

Migraines can often develop in different stages; however, it differs from person to person and not everyone goes through these.
  • Pre headache stage - At this stage, individuals experience changes in moods, energy levels, behaviours and appetite, which tend to happen several days or hours before an attack.
  • Aura - This is mostly visual problems, for instance flashes of light or blind spots, which can last for couple minutes to an hour.
  • Headache stage - Frequently, a throbbing or pulsating pain on one side of the head, which can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting or extreme sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds.
  • Resolution stage - The headache finally subsides and other symptoms gradually fade away, though you may feel tired for a few days afterward.

It is crucial to keep a migraine diary or journal for record keeping purposes where you can identify possible triggers and therefore monitor how well any prescribed medicine is working or even to find out the main triggers that bring forth the headaches.

I would also recommend simple home care measures to help manage and deal with the condition 
  • Placing a cold flannel on your forehead or neck (The Migraine Kool 'N' Soothe Migraine patches can also be very effective)
  • Staying away from coffee, tea and alcohol
  • Giving yourself time to relax and meditate. This includes staying away from noises and sounds such as TV, computer screens and phones 
  • Sleeping is very beneficial as you can sleep off the attack
  • Taking pain killers or medications as prescribed and directed by the doctors

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