Banana contains many important health nutrients, such nutrients can help in weight loss, digestion, heart health, prevent and improve intestinal disorders, constipation, anaemia, tuberculosis, arthritis, gout, kidney disorder, blood pressure, boost immune system, good for strong bones, and detoxify the body.
There are many types of banana, which are vary in size, colour and shape but the most common type is the yellow banana, which is green when unripe.
Banana is very nutritious and highly convenient snack food. It can be part of fruit salads, juice, or shakes and topping for breakfast cereal.
Bananas are rich in antioxidants properties, vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, mineral, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and protein.
Here are some Health Benefits of Bananas:
Bananas contain fibre and antioxidant properties; let’s look at some of the health benefits:
- Weight Loss: Banana contains some properties that help in weight loss as one banana only has approximately 90 calories. It contains a lot of fiber and it is easy to digest. It does not contain any fats; an overweight person does not have to eat too many calories if their diet contains some bananas, because they make you full.
- Heart Health: Banana contains Potassium, which helps in healthy heart including blood pressure control. A diet rich in potassium can help to lower blood pressure and people who eat plenty of potassium foods have up to 27% lower the risk of heart disease.
- Improve Digestion: Dietary fibre has been linked to many health benefits including digestion. The compound present in banana can help ease digestion.
- Arthritis and Gout: Bananas are packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help to reduce swelling, and irritations from various conditions such as arthritis and gout.
- Exercise: Bananas are perfect food for athletes, due to their mineral properties. Bananas can help reduce exercise-related muscle cramps and soreness when exercising.
- KidneyDisorders: Potassium is essential for blood pressure control and healthy kidney function. The Potassium in banana helps to regulate the fluid balance in the body; it can help ease the strain on the kidneys, and also encourage urination. Banana also has polyphenolic and antioxidant properties that can aid kidney functions.
- Constipation: Bananas contains dietary fiber and therefore help in smooth bowel movements. Bananas are said to push out stubborn stools and have a relieve from constipation.
- Improve Eye Health: Bananas are rich in antioxidant properties, minerals and carotenoids, which can boost the health of the eyes, preventing macular degeneration, cataract, night blindness and glaucoma.
- Protect against Cardiovascular disease: Banana is good for heart health, because of the potassium and other properties present in banana, so they can reduce blood pressure, that can trigger many cardiovascular problems like strokes and heart attacks. Furthermore the fibre in banana can also help to reduce cholesterol from the arteries and blood vessels reducing stress and cardiovascular system.
- Anaemia: The presence of iron in Banana can help to improve anaemia because iron is an essential part of the red blood cells; it also contains copper, which are another important properties for the creation of red blood cells. The red blood cell counts not only prevent anaemia but also increase circulation to all parts of the body for adequate functionality.
Unripe bananas can cause severe indigestion and should be eaten only in cooked form.
Too much of everything is bad and banana is not an exception, eating too many bananas can have adverse and unpleasant side effects
The number of bananas a person should eat in a day varies; some people can tolerate higher amounts of minerals and vitamins, while others need less. Try to study yourself to know how many your body can tolerate.
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